Sunday, May 9, 2010

Not My Bag

The Leopard is usually not one to enter contests.

I've almost never won one of any significance, and even if I know all the odds are against me and the tiniest chance of winning is quadrillion to one, I hate to lose. I can't stop thinking about how great it would be to, say, win $300,000,000 in the New York State Lottery, even though there's more chance someone would accidentally leave a bag with the same amount on my doorstep after robbing a bank.

Recently, the world famous Strand bookstore in NYC ("18 Miles Of Books") had a Strand totebag design contest. First prize was to get your artwork on a canvas bag that will probably be seen by thousands of New Yorkers, gift certificates for hundreds of dollars worth of books, and an invitation to spend the day at the offices of New Yorker magazine with art director Francoise Mouly--an aspiring illustrator's dream. It was also judged by Art Spiegelman and Adrian Tomine--two of the most respected cartoonists/illustrators in the business.

The Leopard entered the contest, which received over 800 entries from all over the world. But again, I allowed myself to think, "Could I possibly win?". It could have really changed my life and I couldn't help but feel mildly disappointed when I didn't. I told myself over and over, "I will not enter any more stupid contests!" While thinking deep down inside, "Of course I will."

Can't wait til next year for the 2nd annual Strand totebag design Contest.


Unknown said...

Wrong Buddhist approach taken toward reaching your goals. You will win, and get the accolades your deserve. So go for it!

Unknown said...

You can win this, you're disparaging your own life force by saying otherwise.