Saturday, September 14, 2019

Gustav Klimt

Thinking about the staggeringly popular Gustav Klimt, an artist whose work I recently checked out at the Neue Gallery. The visit was incredibly inspirational, and even though I’ve been very aware of the great Austrian painters’ work since High School, I became newly enamored and read everything I could find and bought a couple of books online - a fascinating, sexy, eccentric persona and exquisite output has currently has had me in his ecstatic, sensuous orbit this week.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Hester Sunshine

Sketchbook: One of the best reasons to watch the last season of Project Runway was the wacky & wonderful young designer Hester Sunshine! Her clothes were full of energy and color with loads of the coolest kitsch. It was super fun to see what this talented artist would come up with each week. Sure we’ll see much more from her in the future.